Saturday, April 09, 2005

Comics you should own - Atlantis Chronicles

Yes, it's my first installment here at Comics Should Be Good of my critically-acclaimed series, Comics You Should Own! "But Greg," you clamor, "what other comics should we own, and why?" Well, I'm glad you asked. Here they are:

300 by Frank Miller, 1963 by Alan Moore et al., Alias by Bendis and Gaydos, Amazing Spider-Man #229-230 by Stern and Romita Jr., Amazing Spider-Man #238-251 by Stern, Romita Jr., et al., Animal Man #1-32 by Morrison, Truog, and Milligan et al., and Arrowsmith by Busiek and Pacheco. Go. Collect.

Now, here's today's installment:

Atlantis Chronicles by Peter David and Esteban Maroto
DC, 7 issues (#1-7, cover dated March-September 1990)

Peter David is an extremely good comics writer. Some people may not like his stuff, but that doesn't change the fact that he knows how to tell a story, he knows when to ramp up the action, he can be very funny, he knows how to tell single-issue stories and use cliffhangers, and he has an excellent grasp of comic book history. All of these attributes are shown in this seven-issue series that acts as a prelude to David's 1990s run on Aquaman, the only time I've ever been remotely interested in the character (sorry, Laura). Aquaman shows up in this comic, on the last few pages and only as a small child, but his history is laid out here, and if you know anything about DC's aquatic history, this series is a treat for you.

What David does is present Atlantian history as seen through the eyes of the official chroniclers. The Chronicles are started by King Orin, who is ruling Atlantis centuries after Arion left and devastated the countryside - his Atlantis remains sunk, but the Atlantians have risen again, and Orin feels that a history needs to be written of Poseidonis, Atlantis's greatest city. Each issue is a section of the Chronicles written by a different historian, a device that allows David to show us that history does indeed change depending on who's doing the writing of it. The first 4+ issues are the saga of Orin and his brother Shalako and Shalako's son Dardanus and grandson Kordax and the civil war that almost tore Atlantis apart. The last few issues deal with the Atlantians' attempts to conquer the world, which they thought had been destroyed when Atlantis sunk. Finally, we are brought up to the present day (sort of - like I said, Aquaman's a baby when the series ends) and see how Aquaman was conceived and why he's so important.

This is epic storytelling, helped by Maroto's beautiful art. I'm unfamiliar with him (but the Internet obviously isn't), and I think this may have been one of his few ventures into mainstream comics (correct me if I'm wrong). It's wonderful to behold - undersea art is weird and creepy, and the coloring (by Eric Kachelhofer) really puts us into this world - it's full of blues and greens and bright underwater wildlife. Maroto and Kachelhofer help propel the story along, but since I'm not an art critic, I want to look at what David is doing with the story.

There's a lot going on here above and beyond simply creating an epic for the Atlantian people. I don't know if David knew at this point that he'd be writing an Aquaman ongoing, but I have to assume he did. I also don't know how much stomping on DC history he did in this series, but if he did, good for him! It all fits in well with his series, and it also fits in with the little I know about this section of DC history - like good old Lori Lemaris and why she doesn't look like Aquaman. Some DC history buff can enlighten me - I'm just looking at this one series.

David uses the Chronicles to bring up a lot of issues that are not only relevant in history, but also today. In fact, Haumond's argument with his father Honsu in issue #6 is weirdly prescient - Honsu thinks the Atlantians should attack the newly-discovered surface world because they might attack Atlantis some day, and Haumond says, "Are you saying we should go to war with them on the chance that, in some far-flung future, they might attack us?" Honsu (George Bush?) says, "This will not be a war, boy! This will be a slaughter." Hmmm...

There's more than that, however. Orin is shown as the devotee of science, while his brother Shalako is the high priest of Suula, the sky goddess. Shalako thinks Orin's plans to dome the city are an affront to the gods, while Orin thinks it's just common sense to protect the city from the barbarian invasions. When the dome is completed, it either saves the city from the meteor that crashes into the ocean near Poseidonis, sinking it, or it was the cause of the meteor, depending on whose version of the events you believe. Shalako, who in the first issue is presented as a decent man trying to sway his weak brother (because the chronicler is his follower) is shown as completely insane by the second issue, when the chronicler is squarely in Orin's camp. David should have done this more, but the point is made - history is just as distorted as anything, and, as Orin puts it, it's up to future generations to decide.

The story shows the classic tragedy of family - brother against brother, and after Shalako is killed, nephew against uncle and cousin against cousin. It's very Shakespearean, and David is careful to show every consequence of every action. No one escapes unscathed, either - yes, Kordax is a horribly cruel monster and his father, Dardanus, raped Orin's daughter Cora to create him, but Cora did abandon Kordax when he was born, and lied about it to the people of the city. Orin admits that he made mistakes with Shalako. These are complex characters, and not everything they do leads to good outcomes, even if they have good intentions.

The family tragedy theme is played out throughout the book. Centuries later, when Honsu goes to conquer the surface world, his one son Kraken is enthusiastically on his side while his other son Haumond thinks he's insane. His third son, Atlan, thinks it's all very amusing - he's an adventurer, not a warrior, and is the only one, for instance, who knows about the bends. Haumond and Kraken eventually battle to the death, because they must. Not only is it Shakespearean, it's all very Greek tragedy too. The themes are familiar, yes, but David is tapping into a rich tradition, and he ties it so neatly into world history as well as DC history that we don't mind. If you're going to go for an epic, you have to use epic themes, damnit!

Finally, we come to Atlanna and Trevis the Weak, the last king of Atlantis before Aquaman. This is when David ties everything together and sets up his ongoing title. Atlan, who has become a powerful sorcerer and has also lived a remarkably long time, comes to Atlanna in the night and has crazy sex with her because her husband's too much of a wuss to get her pregnant. The sex scene isn't as good as Alec Holland and Abby Arcane, but it's not embarrassing either, so that's okay. Atlan explains that he will get another woman pregnant, and the two sons will battle for the future of Atlantis, because that's the way it's always been. He's as trapped by the past as anyone else, despite his power. Atlanna gives birth to a blond baby, and since Kordax was blond, all blond babies are considered evil and left to die, hence Aquaman's origin. Because he's descended from Kordax, Orin (Aquaman's real name) has mental dominion over sea creatures. He also has a dark side. Oooh, scary!

This is pretty complex myth-making for a comic book mini-series. David wants this to be the founding myth of Atlantis, like the Aeneid is for Rome, and he succeeds admirably. While the story is good, it's what David does to tie this book into regular DC history and also how he uses it to mirror historical writing throughout the centuries that make this book special. David returned to these themes often during his run on Aquaman (some of which you should own; I'll get to them soon), and they make his saga of Aquaman much more interesting than any other presentation I've read (granted, I'm not a huge fan, so I haven't read that much, but still). These issues aren't collected in trade paperback (DC can't even get the latest collection of 100 Bullets out in a timely manner, you think they'll collect this?), but they're pretty cheap in the back-issue bins. Seek them out!


Blogger Bill Reed said...

On previous installments: I own most of the great 1963 (missing Tales of the Uncanny and the Tomorrow Syndicate), I've read, but don't own, all of Alias (it's good), I've read pieces of those ASMs, but I'm not a Spidey fan at all, I'm going to buy the Animal Man trades as soon as I find the money, and I'm not a Busiek fan so I haven't looked at Arrowsmith. Phew.

On Aquaman: I love the character of Aquaman, but I think he's been in nothing but crappy stories for his entire existence, sans the pretty-damn-good run by Shaun McLaughlin and Ken Hooper that came out before it was abruptly cancelled so that Peter David could change the entire concept and turn Aquaman into a Namor clone. Now, the McLaughlin stuff... those are comics to own.
But really, Aquaman totally writes itself, so I don't see why so many people have trouble with it, or why PAD had to change everything in a desperate attempt to make Aquaman "kewl." I'd love to write Aquaman. It's Arthurian fantasy through the eyes of Silver Age pop.

On Atlantis Chronicles: I've heard they were good, I've never read them, I was not a fan of Peter David's Aquaman (liked his Hulk, though), I'm not sure I'd like them. It sounds all mythic and historical but, well, boring. I'll check it out if it hits the quarter bins, though. Because you said so.

4/09/2005 10:07:00 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I actually liked the McLaughlin-Hooper issues, but they were nothing great. I didn't mean to slight the humor in Atlantis Chronicles - it's there, and humanizes the characters even more. I like what David did with Aquaman because of the mythic, epic parts - I never liked Aquaman as a superhero, because he ain't. We have enough superheroes in the DCU - we need a king! And if you think Aquaman is Arthurian fantasy (and I agree) then David's take is kind of right up your alley.

4/09/2005 10:31:00 PM  
Blogger Bill Reed said...

I've read a good handful of David's issues and didn't care for them too much. They were alright, but the sci-fantasy elements were a bit overdone and Aquaman lost his charm; sure, he's an underwater king with a bit of a temper, but he's also a goofy guy in an orange shirt that talks to fish. I think it's possible to write good Aquaman stories with both of those, but too often it's one or the other, or even neither. David's might just be too "90's" for me (and I absolutely can't stand Calafiore's art). I'm not sure. Perhaps I'm just being a stubborn git, like I am wont to do.

4/09/2005 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for recommending the Atlantis Chronicles. I was able to find #1-4 in a 3 for a $1 box. (Not quite the mythical quarter bin, but a good deal none the less.) Now all I have to do is find the final 3.

My favorite issue at this point is #3 - with our female chronicler who goes for the light, seriously slanted look. The scene where Orin nabs her for reporting on his affair is wonderful - as is the way it plays out in #4.

Please keep recommending forgotten gems like this one.

5/09/2005 07:40:00 AM  
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Aquaman: I love the character of Aquaman, but I think he's been in nothing but crappy stories for his entire existence, sans the pretty-damn-good run by Shaun McLaughlin and Ken Hooper that came out before it was abruptly cancelled so that Peter David could change the entire concept and turn Aquaman into a Namor clone. Now, the McLaughlin stuff... _sorry got to disagree with this.

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