Sunday, April 16, 2006

Special Blasphemous Edition of 20 Questions

For you all, today's very special blasphemous edition of 20 Questions For You All, all about comic book resurrections.


Blogger Brian Cronin said...

He brought Guy back with new, magical powers!

4/16/2006 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, not a Mravel employee, but I can talk Strucker. He's actually way behind the likes of Doctor Doom and the Mandarin in the "being dead, coming back" sweepstakes, though.

He's died a grand total of three times in the flesh:

In Jim Steranko's masterful Strange Tales v.1 #158, he perished when Nick Fury swapped identities with him, causing Eric von Stroheim...I mean, Wolfgang von Strucker to get confused and dash into a radiation chamber.

He was resurrected in SHIELD v.2 #15 whent he Red Skull sent agents to use some DNA mumbo jumbo to merge him with Steranko's Death Spore.

He died again in SHIELD v.2 #47, getting his hand chopped off by Nick and plunging down a cliffside. The issue is, shall we say, far from Steranko's standard.

And finally, he died in Wolverine v.3 #26, when the Gorgon executed him for his failures. Taking advantage of John Romita Jr.'s radical artistic reinterpretation of the character and a botched crossover story, Fabian Nicieza had the Baron reveal that the Strucker killed in Wolverine was actually just a crappy, "genetic copy."

Oh, and in between not one, but two Strucker robots turned up, one in Captain America v.1 132-3 (where he was treated as the real Strucker, back from the dead without explanation by a forgetful Stan Lee and Gene Colan), which was revealed as a robot and blowed up good in issue #247; and another in Cap v.1 #273-4, this one a robot Strucker had set up before his first death. It also blowed up good.

4/16/2006 11:27:00 PM  

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