Saturday, April 15, 2006

This Comic Is Good - The Portent #2

After posting about Portent #1 here, writer/artist Peter Bergting responded on the issue of how it seemed as though #1 was fitting into the paradigm of the first issue that spent its time setting up the plot, rather than delivering plot. Bergting explained that The Portent was designed to be a graphic novel initially, but (as is the case for most artists) the financial aspect of the whole "drawing a comic but not getting any money for it" doing a graphic novel thing led him to instead release The Portent as a bi-monthly series. Well, while #1 might have given off the impression of being the first few chapters of a book, #2 has none of the same problems, and effectively works as an individual issue in a series, including a very nice end twist. Along with the extremely nice Bergting artwork, The Portent #2 was a good comic book.

The basic concept of the series is that Milo is presumed to be a "Chosen One" who is there to save the day from the big bad. However, there is something a about Milo.

Meanwhile, there is something seriously wrong with one third of their little party (a young witch, Milo and an aged guardian of the coven of witches).

Here are some samples of Bergting's excellent, Mignola-esque artwork (courtesy of

Nice stuff, no?

I think, if #1 and #2 were released as a prestige format comic, it would have really rocked people's socks off, but on its own, #2 works quite well.

And it looks like #3 will be filled with more fantasy-inspired coolness.

I can't wait.

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Blogger I. N. J. Culbard said...

It's Mignola-esqe, but this guy's really doing HIS thing, to such a degree that his art is simply beautiful. Notable influences aside, it's great work and totally stands on its own two feet. I love it.

Some lovely fight scenes read like stills from the best Wuxia movies. It certainly maintains that resonance throughout.

The colours are autumnal, funerial,befitting a land of the dead, but also suggesting that the world Bergting has created is either in its death throes or twilight years. An age is passing, vast beyond reckoning, giving the work a certain 'lived-in' granduer.

I hope this story runs for a good while yet.

4/18/2006 11:49:00 AM  

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