Judging (DC's January) Books By Their Covers
DC's January Solicitations are up, so now is as good a time as any for us to make prejudgements based just on the covers (as we all love to make prejudgements, don't we? And DC's covers are at least detailed enough that we CAN make prejudgements based on them!).
Let's begin!
First off, just to screw with me, no Jock Batman cover for me to say how good it is!!
Luckily, there at least was some Cliff Chiang goodness for me to look at.

Man, Cliff Chiang RULES!
I think Chris Weston did a great job, once again.

I think this is a striking piece.

A Castellini cover that actually seems to WORK for the title!

A Pat Lee cover without any clear problem.
Good to use a lot of shadows when your design work is flawed.
Great Wagner art, but really doesn't do much for the story.

Tim Sale sure does know how to use color well.


Never has so much good been mixed with so much bad.

Phillips seems to be vibing on some other artist here. Any clues, people? It almost look European to me.
Hmmm...I am torn.

Is Nightwing looking like a pansy Hester's fault, or is Hester just drawing him like he is currently being written?

Man, McDaniel has his niche, where he draws certain characters well enough.
Don't take him out of that niche, DC!

Livewire as a really evil character?!? What's next, having a comic relief character beat a superhero to the death with his fists?!?!
Good work by Kerschel...

but it is too bad it came out the same time as THIS piece...

I really wish Ed Benes' Superman could make like this cover...

..and be up, up and AWAY.
Someone really ought to give her a thread to keep that sewed on.

By the by...seriously, how can THIS cover be drawn by the same guy who drew THIS cover?

Just doesn't follow (NOTE: The second cover came out already).


I think Perez wins.

Did someone just inform Aquaman that Patrick Gleason was off his book?

Great cover by Byrne.

This is SOMEthing.
What, I don't know exactly.
But it is definitely SOMEthing.

Another way too dark Gleason cover.
Merlyn vs. Green Arrow in a pink flower tree field?

Old School Green Arrow?

Who wins?
I choose Old School.

Hard Time is a good book!
Ooooh...even good artists hid a bump in the road every once in awhile.

Here is new DC stud Acuña's bump.
Nice Bennett piece, and it works as a cover, as well.


Jose Garcia-Lopez.
Poor Luke Ross.

Now Phil Noto?!?!
A lot to live up to.
I really dig Jesus Saiz.

I wonder where he will end up, post-Infinite Crisis.

ANOTHER Acuña bump in the road.
Dale Keown drawing Captain Atom.

That's right up there with "Odd pairings."
Acuña! What will we do with you?!?!

Oh, okay...this one wasn't bad.
Idea is not bad.

Execution leaves a little to be desired, though.
Chuck Dixon, Doug Mahnke, War

A good combination.
Good cover.

But a bit like repeating the same theme a bit too much. Will all the Arabian Nights covers look the same?
I love the cover designs for this series.

We'll miss you, JG!

See you soon on 52!!
Hey kids, check it out, the Freedom Fighters!!

If you like reading about them HERE, be sure to check out their cameo in Infinite Crisis #1!!!
Nice timing there, DC.


Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio (or Paschal Ferry?)
5. It's Phillip Bond drawing a big ass bug.

Come on, who wouldn't pick this comic up?
4. Walt Simonson should do a monthly book again.

3. Seven Soldiers pays dividends!

2. Joe Kubert is amazing.

1. I don't even LIKE super realistic art that much, but man, Bolland is so awesome!

Okay, that's it for me, folks!
Feel free to share YOUR prejudices!!
AND your top five choices!
Let's begin!
First off, just to screw with me, no Jock Batman cover for me to say how good it is!!
Luckily, there at least was some Cliff Chiang goodness for me to look at.

Man, Cliff Chiang RULES!
I think Chris Weston did a great job, once again.

I think this is a striking piece.

A Castellini cover that actually seems to WORK for the title!

A Pat Lee cover without any clear problem.
Good to use a lot of shadows when your design work is flawed.
Great Wagner art, but really doesn't do much for the story.

Tim Sale sure does know how to use color well.


Never has so much good been mixed with so much bad.

Phillips seems to be vibing on some other artist here. Any clues, people? It almost look European to me.
Hmmm...I am torn.

Is Nightwing looking like a pansy Hester's fault, or is Hester just drawing him like he is currently being written?

Man, McDaniel has his niche, where he draws certain characters well enough.
Don't take him out of that niche, DC!

Livewire as a really evil character?!? What's next, having a comic relief character beat a superhero to the death with his fists?!?!
Good work by Kerschel...

but it is too bad it came out the same time as THIS piece...

I really wish Ed Benes' Superman could make like this cover...

..and be up, up and AWAY.
Someone really ought to give her a thread to keep that sewed on.

By the by...seriously, how can THIS cover be drawn by the same guy who drew THIS cover?

Just doesn't follow (NOTE: The second cover came out already).


I think Perez wins.

Did someone just inform Aquaman that Patrick Gleason was off his book?

Great cover by Byrne.

This is SOMEthing.
What, I don't know exactly.
But it is definitely SOMEthing.

Another way too dark Gleason cover.
Merlyn vs. Green Arrow in a pink flower tree field?

Old School Green Arrow?

Who wins?
I choose Old School.

Hard Time is a good book!
Ooooh...even good artists hid a bump in the road every once in awhile.

Here is new DC stud Acuña's bump.
Nice Bennett piece, and it works as a cover, as well.


Jose Garcia-Lopez.
Poor Luke Ross.

Now Phil Noto?!?!
A lot to live up to.
I really dig Jesus Saiz.

I wonder where he will end up, post-Infinite Crisis.

ANOTHER Acuña bump in the road.
Dale Keown drawing Captain Atom.

That's right up there with "Odd pairings."
Acuña! What will we do with you?!?!

Oh, okay...this one wasn't bad.
Idea is not bad.

Execution leaves a little to be desired, though.
Chuck Dixon, Doug Mahnke, War

A good combination.
Good cover.

But a bit like repeating the same theme a bit too much. Will all the Arabian Nights covers look the same?
I love the cover designs for this series.

We'll miss you, JG!

See you soon on 52!!
Hey kids, check it out, the Freedom Fighters!!

If you like reading about them HERE, be sure to check out their cameo in Infinite Crisis #1!!!
Nice timing there, DC.


Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio (or Paschal Ferry?)
5. It's Phillip Bond drawing a big ass bug.

Come on, who wouldn't pick this comic up?
4. Walt Simonson should do a monthly book again.

3. Seven Soldiers pays dividends!

2. Joe Kubert is amazing.

1. I don't even LIKE super realistic art that much, but man, Bolland is so awesome!

Okay, that's it for me, folks!
Feel free to share YOUR prejudices!!
AND your top five choices!
That Aquaman cover owns.
Oh, right, and now I'm officially worried for the Mister Miracle series.
Ok...Catwoman's prison code are the Lost numbers. The fact that I noticed that instead of fixating on her cleavage means what now?
I'm done with Mister Miracle. The first issue was great, but I'm not paying money for art that bad.
Wow, that Bat symbol flower wreath is gorgeous (too bad the bottom part is ugly.) The Detective & Gotham Knights covers are both swanky and scary. I'm digging both Supergirl covers- I've never re-bought an issue for a cover, but that 'old-timey' looking Supergirl is too cute to resist. Supergirl is one of the very few characters I collect comics of though, so I don't feel TOO guilty...
Um, I'm torn on the Catwoman. It's good and scary at the same time. You may choose old school, but I adore the new Green Lantern cover. Just gorgeous and unique, the brushstrokes and colors are amazing. Same with that Fables cover, yummy.
So in closing, my top 5 is-
1) Wonder Woman- conveys so much with so little 2) Supergirl re-dux 3) Green Lantern new school 4) Batgirl- I agree, genius use of color 5) Superman #223- super iconic
What's the big Ass Bug comic?
Y'know, honestly, I'd be perfectly happy if all the superhero books vanished tomorrow and were replaced by giant bug comics. It's about time for a sea change. Via La Bugsolution@!!
The good thing about that Firestorm cover is that it's tasteless enough to maybe finally make people stop drawing "homages" to that Crisis cover.
And that Catwoman cover is awesome, regardless of the mammary factor.
The cool thing about the JSA cover is how you can see the bad guys reflected in Star's gumbubble.
I find it strange that I consistently like the Batgirl and Green Arrow covers but don't buy the books. I really do think they are fantastic.
"Crisis of Infinite Firestorms" has to rank somewhere with the least compelling cover concepts ever.
I actually thought (and still am not quite 100% certain) that Stargirl's gum bubble was one of Mr. Terrific's T-Spheres, which would look quite similar.
I guess the Catwoman storyline is going to lead to the revelation she was "adjusted" by Zatanna.
Seriously, that's fucking lame. I didn't totally fall in love with Brubaker's Catwoman (And Trail of the Gun did a ten times better job of setting up Selina's conversion than Selina's Big Score) but I liked it quite a bit, and what's the point of saying that was all fake? To make Brad Meltzer feel better? Man, he really ruined everything.
Catwoman's the star of her series. I'd be willing to bet that her "adjustment" is more than it appears to be. Just like some of the Rogues...I'll believe that Heat Wave was adjusted (I won't like it, but I'll believe it. Dude operated out of my town!), but the original Trickster? He's infiltrating the Rogues under cover of being modified, I guarantee.
Catwoman, I think, will discover that she was altered, but that it either wore off, or some other twist in there. At any rate, it's going to leave her with an...dare I say it? Identity Crisis.
Actually, it's looking interesting enough that I might start buying the series at #50 (I have been eyeing the trades a little).
For now, I'm going to just tell myself that the Mr. Miracle cover was rushed and the book will still be great.
The first issue relied a lot on the art because not a whole lot interesting happened in the writing. I trust Morrison enough to think he's just setting things up, and by the end mediocre art will be overcome by the story.
Well, obviously I checked out Selina's breasts, but my first thought was "When did The Crow become a woman?"
They added some more covers.
TT looks like another shiny happy Superboy story.
I'm amazed that Benes managed to draw that cover without the rushing air from Superman's takeoff lifting Lois' skirt past any point of propriety. Perhaps he was sick that day.
Oh come on, Ed Benes is an awesome artist. I don't think anybody short of Kyle Baker could have made that recent Bizarro issue as fun as he did.
He just needs to go back to Birds of Prey where cheesecake is not only a given, but a must.
"I'm amazed that Benes managed to draw that cover without the rushing air from Superman's takeoff lifting Lois' skirt past any point of propriety. Perhaps he was sick that day."
Well struck, Chris.
Well struck.
"I find it strange that I consistently like the Batgirl and Green Arrow covers but don't buy the books. I really do think they are fantastic."
Not weird at all, Jon.
The guys who draw the covers do not draw the interiors of the book, so why WOULD you pick the book up just because of the cover artist?
Unless, of course, you are a sick individual like Ms. Quinzel.
"What's up with that Flash cover? So, the Flash is moving so fast that his costume disintegrates, but his regular clothes hold up fine? Maybe he should switch to denim."
It is not clear, hence my reaction to it, as I'm not POSITIVE what Thibert is trying to say with the cover, but I BELIEVE what is happening is that Wally is transforming INTO his Flash costume in the drawing.
I believe the current status quo for Flash's costume is that it is a Speed Force construct that Wally can make appear like the old Power Pack costumes.
So who do I have to beg to get one of the fine staff to do this for the Marvel solicits? I'd like to see that
Someone else asked me about that recently, and the reason I have always maintained is that DC covers generally at least give you an IDEA about the comic, so you actually COULD sorta prejudge, while Marvel covers are generally just pin-ups.
However, I have noticed that, as of late, the DC comments I have made have begun to swing towards general statements about the art ANYways...so maybe that reasoning doesn't hold up anymore.
So maybe next month, Brian!
Egad! I don't remember Dale Keown being such a Liefeld clone in the past! What happened?
I like the Benes Superman cover. What a cool idea.
Could've used a giant bug or two eating Jimmy Olsen, but nobody's perfect.
P.S. Ooh! I got the best random-letter login verification word ever.
Ohuuuub! If I was a comic letterer, I'd use OHUUUB! All the time.
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