Sunday, April 03, 2005

Three Comics That I Read So That You Didn't Have To

Hmmm...I wonder if I should change the title to say which week it is. Any ideas?

ANYhoo, as always, I pick a couple of titles that "fell through the cracks" and tell you about them, and perhaps you can repay the favor with the books that I did not read!

Spoilers away!

Fantastic Four #524 - The way I see it, the biggest problem Mark Waid's Fantastic Four run had was that Waid seemed to be too desperate for the run to be considered "historic." Way too many attempts to recreate "This Man, This Monster." I think that is silly, and Waid should have had more faith in his own storytelling abilities, and just tell the best stories he could, like he did on his Flash run (I guess a lot of that had to do with the fact that there were no "definitive" Wally West runs before Waid).

In any event, this issue was no different. It is Waid and Mike Wieringo's last issue on Fantastic Four, and it really reeks of "this is the last issue, and we KNOW it is the last issue."

Reed tries to take Ben's powers himself (perhaps this is Waid compensating for the rather odd decision to have Reed be able to switch Johnny and Sue's powers, but never trying it with Ben and himself), but Ben does not let him.

A lot of speech-ifying in this issue.

From Sue, from Reed, and most especially from Ben.

Still, there were a lot of good things in the issue as well. There were some funny scenes, and the art was nice (if you like Ringo's style, which I do).

Overall, though, I think this issue, like this run, was too much of trying to be some ideal comic book, and not enough good stories.

I would not recommend this issue.

Casefiles: Sam & Twitch #15 - This issue marked a return to form for this title, in my opinion. This issue had all the sharpness of writing I liked in the last storyline (until that storyline just dragged on way too long), and the art from EJ Su was strong. The plot of the story involves a vampire woman and her gang of vampires. The exchanges between Sam, Twitch and the old woman (who doesn't look old, natch) were quite amusing.

Meanwhile, the vampires are trying to eliminate a gang, and they decimate most of the gang, who end up taking refuge in a church at the same time Sam & Twitch also take refuge there.

The issue ends with the stained glass windows of the church being broken into by the vampires.

That is quite a set up for next issue, eh?

I thought Mark Andreyko did a very good job of giving a forward-moving plot to go along with the snappy dialogue.

I would recommend this issue.

The Goon #11 - Some books you recommend. Other books you IMPLORE people to read. This is the latter of the two. Eric Powell continues to amaze me from issue to issue with the sheer amount of comic book joy he squeezes into every issue of The Goon.

In the issue, Dr. Alloy's face is corroding, so he enlists the aid of The Goon and Frankie to retrieve for him a special alloy from another dimension. Once in the other dimension, well, to quote a cliche "hilarity ensues."

But the main plot is not the best thing about the comic (nor is the interesitng change in Alloy that will effect the book in later issues), it is the little touches, like Frankie's fight with the crippled boy. Hee-larious.

I recommend this book soooo much.

So that's my three books this week.

The only book that I didn't read that I would like to know about is:

Amazing Joy Buzzards #4

So if anyone read it, fill me in!


Blogger Brian Cronin said...


I finally receieved Lex's blessing to run rampant in my "not like so much" view of Waid's FF!!

Nyah ha ha ha ha ha!!

Seriously, though, I did feel sorta bad about knocking Waid's FF, as I knew you dug it (I actually was thinking when I was writing, "I feel sorta bad, because I know Lex really digs it, I will try not to tease it too much").

The other FF entry on this blog was removed, so why don't you share why you think his run was badass again, for everyone else, Lex!

4/04/2005 04:39:00 AM  
Blogger Matthew Brady said...

I've enjoyed The Amazing Joy Buzzards since issue #1, and last week's #4 was also pretty good. The band puts on a show to try to catch "the killer", but then the culprit shows his face and they have to fight off thousands of "zombie extras". Good stuff. The story ends with another To Be Continued, but they direct you to a website in which you can read the conclusion for free. I guess the online conclusion will be available in the upcoming collection of the first four issues. Whatever. It's a fun comic. I dig the art and the whole goofball vibe. Recommended.

4/04/2005 02:41:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I loved FF 524 like a woman.

4/04/2005 04:14:00 PM  
Blogger Bill Reed said...

I loved Waid's FF... well, a good chunk of it. Since #517 (#514 if you count Kesel's abysmal arc, but I like to pretend it doesn't exist) it's been slipping. But the nine-center, the Sentient arc, Fifth Wheel, and Hereafter are some great comics. The other ones there were good too, but these were great.

Modulus was a neat little idea, Kirby-as-God was predictable but well-handled, and that one speech of Ben's in the second part of 'Fifth Wheel' (#502) had me on the verge of tears, and no comic before or since has done that.

So yeah, I really liked it. And Ringo's art is snazzy.

4/04/2005 06:47:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

"But I really don't want my (or any other poster's) opinion to effect what you write in this blog."

Well, I still knocked the run!

I just did it more politely.

Later, I will explain why everything you said about FF is horribly, horribly wrong...hehe.

4/05/2005 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, youth. Lex, glad you finally got your hands on some honest-to-God Fantastic Four comics, even if they were only in black and white. You see now that there IS only one FF run?

So don't stop now: refuse to read modern-day FF at all, just do the Lee/Kirby stuff until it runs out, then switch to, I don't know, some nice Ditko Spidey or Dr. Strange, maybe some Kirby Thor. Lee/Kirby X-Men is pretty good, too! So is Daredevil. In fact every bit of that stuff is a million times better than anything on offer from Marvel today, so why not just spend some time reading it?

Then, if you dare, move up gradually into the 70s. This is a very good time for Marvel comics, too, and there's very little worth skipping: Gerber and Englehart, Thomas and Conway, Wein and Isabella. Starlin and Buckler, Steranko and Adams, Buscema and Buscema, Al Milgrom and Herb Trimpe. From time to time you even get Gil Kane, and then at a certain point you get Kirby again! Though not for very long.

When you hit the Claremont/Byrne era you can stop.

4/05/2005 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it all starts to seem kind of the same after a while. Some good stuff in there, for sure, but the Englehart/Rogers Surfer was definitely a breath of fresh air by the time it came around. Simonson's Thor is pretty fun and definitely worth reading, but obviously not a patch on Lee/Kirby.

Someone around here said "Englehart/Buscema Cap" once upon a time, if I can suggest it again. Also both Gerber's Defenders and his Guardians of the Galaxy are pretty damn good. Gerry Conway and Ross Andru did a great Spider-Man, that was the one that crossed over with Superman in the humongous 70s special...

4/05/2005 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, annonymous, have you ever posted at CBR? Becuase sound remarkably like a gestalt of cranky old posters who have hung out on the Classic Comics Board there.

4/05/2005 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to feel both dumb and validated if annonymous is Rick D, Cei-U!, or Graviton, but until I get a response, I'll assume it's a gestalt. Because comics fandom needs more gestalt entities.

4/05/2005 08:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, you want to know if I'm a gestalt of old cranks that posts on the...?

Can I say yes?

Yes, that was me.

4/05/2005 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And isn't Rick D that guy who did Disco Duck? See, if you young punks could only fathom the advanced culture we had back in those shit EVERYWHERE...

4/05/2005 10:30:00 PM  
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