Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Casanova Will Be Good

Why wasn't I informed that there was a seven-page preview up of Casanova #1 at Newsarama?

Heads will roll! Heads will roll!!

is the preview, all you folks who are curious about this book from Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba, that is only $1.99 and will most likely rock most heavily.

I don't even think Fraction mentioned it on his OWN site. It's a goddamned conspiracy, is what it is.


  1. You mean ... you don't get comics information downloaded directly to your brain, as I've been claiming? Oh, the disillusionment!!!!!

    Ba mentioned it on his blog, by the way. Sorry I didn't tell you - I figured they would e-mail you directly!

  2. Damn good preview!

  3. Did Ba mention it?

    Hmmm...that hurts the conspiracy theory a bit.

    Just a bit, though!

  4. Thanks for the tip.

    The "Fell format" is taking over!

  5. Hmmm. It certainly looks beautiful, but I'm just not that grabbed by the story. I'll have to wait and see on this one.

  6. Hmmm...considering the intemperate and, I think, undeserved remarks Michael Moorcock made about Grant Morrison after the latter paid a very affectionate tribute to the Jerry Cornelius books in The Invisibles, I shudder to think what Moorcock will have to say about this.

  7. It looks nice and I like the general idea of it, but, eh, I dunno. There's something about the whole "My Daddy, My Enemy!" thing that leaves me cold...

  8. Casanova #1 was one of the things I ordered when I started doing pre-ordering last month. I'm looking forward to it.
