Thursday, January 05, 2006

Current Comic Conversation for 1/5

The shtick here is that I and a friend (or friends) look at the shipping list for this comic week and riff, using the books that are coming out for inspiration for the discussion. This week, I am talking with my pal Jake (his blog is here) and my pal Stony (Jake=J, S=Stony and B=Brian). There very likely WILL be some spoilers mentioned in the discussion, so be forewarned!

Let's begin!

OCT050023 13TH SON WORSE THING WAITING #3 (OF 4) $2.99

B: what is this about?

B: Either of you two know?

J: nope

S: And there's already been 2 of them...

B: I am just surprised, as it is three issues in.

B: And I have no idea what it is about.

S: I'm guessing something... Lovecrafty?

J: But it's yet another strange title from Dark Horse


B: I must say, though, that if


B: INCLUDES the cigs

B: Then that is a good price.

J: The funny thing

J: Is that "red apple" cigarettes are from Pulp Fiction

B: Sin City is pulp fiction!

B: So it works!


J: I want Quentin out of Sin City

B: That is what his parole officer said, too.


B: Any clue?

B: Anyone?

B: Bueller?

S: The purge of the Jedi?

J: It's what Jabba the Hutt does after eating too many of those still-alive aliens

B: Could this have to do with the "purge" they are doing of the Star Wars titles?

B: That'd be kinda cool, I guess.

B: If they have a crossover to announce a cancellation.

J: Why would they stop doing Star Wars comics?

B: No, just not the CURRENT Star Wars comics.

NOV050252 AQUAMAN #38 $2.50

S: Is this where Busiek comes on?

S: The Sword and Sorcery thing?

B: No.

B: One of the annoying things about Infinite Crisis.

B: Is the same annoying thing about Crisis on Infinite Earths.

B: Where the "main" title will include basically the entire plot of the "subordinate" title

B: Making you wonder why bother reading the subordinate title at all?

B: If the main crossover series is going to include the entire plot!!

B: Of course, I guess this gets to the gist of what the folks at spoilt talk about.

B: They suggest that "spoiling" the plot of a comic would not really impact one's enjoyment of the actual comic that much.

S: Oh I dunno, i liked being surpriosed about who Ronin was

B: As you read a comic not for the "summed up plot"

B: But for the nuance and details.

B: Stuff that would not be present in a plot summary.

B: Sorta like how a musical will provide the audience a complete summary of the story at the beginning.

B: But, for instance, if you read Infinite Crisis #3, and it BASICALLY told you what happens to the Amazons of Paradise Island.

B: Would you be interested in reading an issue of Wonder Woman which describes the events in greater detail?

S: I don't think I buy that... This is essentially, a story... If you have the story already, why do you need to buy the comic?

B: Well, you know the plot of King Kong

B: Before you watch King Kong, no?

B: But you still watch it.

S: Hmmm... I would if I were already reading Wonder Woman....

S: I guess if the plot-hook or whatever it's called is strong enough, it might just lure new readers...

S: I remember when Jack and Ted Knight first appeared in Zero hour, it was a couple panels... Now just as well i thought I'd try that title anyway, because the brief scenes i saw of Ted saying he'll carry on and Jack saying 'good luck bro!" weren't exactly the most riveting pull to try a new comic...

B: That reminds me of the hiLARious Blue Beetle intro in Infinite Crisis #3.

S: That was weird

J: Where did you leave off?

B: Asking whether you feel that giving away the plot of an issue of Wonder Woman in Infinite Crisis #3 would keep you from reading the next issue where it details the same plot.

J: Like I care

J: I don't read Wonder Woman

J: But I suspect that people who regularly read it would get pissed

S: How so?

B: So you think it WOULD affect you?

B: If you read Wonder Woman, that is.

J: The idea of resolving a WW plot in some other place

J: Is just kind of silly

B: But the plot ALSO resolves in Wonder Woman.

B: It was just resolved in Infinite Crisis FIRST.

B: The Wonder Woman issue gives the same story in greater detail.

B: So, would you still want to read it, in greater detail?

J: Well that pretty much removes any jeopardy that the plot had

B: Well, as I mentioned to S, so does watching King Kong (2005).

J: I dunno, I can't get past the whole "pretend you read Wonder Woman" thing

B: Touche.


B: How amazing is Wagner's art on this book?

S: I still haven't read #2... which is missing somewhere in the treacherous mists of my flat

J: It's quite good

S: Well at least it's better than Trinity

B: It IS bettter than Trinity.

J: I liked Trinity

B: But I liked the art on Trinity, too.

B: Just saying that I think Monster Men is better.

B: Speaking of Batman, did you see that Sam Kieth is now DC Exclusive, and doing a Batman mini?

J: I read something like that

B: That's pretty cool, I think.

J: I like Kieth

S: I wonder if they'll get him to do some more DC characters... would be nice to see Keith do some lesser DC character, like baker on Platic man

B: Yeah.

S: I liked Trinity too mostly... His take on R'as was a bit off though I though

B: He did a hilarious Bizarro!

S: He did a great Bizarro, yes

S: His R'as? not so cool

B: Fair enough.


B: Is it cheaper because it is black and white?

J: 55 bucks for a statue?

B: Wouldn't that be funny?

J: Fair price

B: If statues were expensive just because they were painted?

J: I think the sculpting has something to do with it too

B: Something.

S: i wonder if they come cheaper half-baked?

B: A little.

B: You mean just a playdoh statue?

J: "Make your own Batman" statue!


S: I haven't even seen any pics of these... Have you?

B: No sir.

J: I saw some

S: I fear for the standability of toys designed by Sale...

J: It captures Sale's designs

J: but thats about it


B: Here ya go.

S: Grazie

B: Yeah, not exactly inspired toys.

S: I wonder what Darwyn cooke's toys will be like...

J: DC Direct still has yet to do a decent straitforward Batman figure

B: I count the McGuiness one as pretty straightforward.

J: All of them so far have been based on artists designs

B: Oh, gotcha.

S: I disagree. I LOVE my Alex Ross designed Batman figure.

S: Mainly because this Batman... has brown eyes.

J: Oh, it's good

J: But I mean like a Marvel Legend or something

J: Take the old Superman line for example

S: I hate Marvel's toys... too many balls of articulation

J: it was just a very basic line of figures

B: Didn't they have a Justice League Batman toy?

B: Not designed on an artist's design?


B: There you go.

B: There's a straightforward (FUGLY) Batman.

J: Yeah, no


B: If the Infinite Crisis tie-ins were members of the comedy troupe, Stella.

B: Discluding, of course, Rann/Thanagar, which was crap on a stick.

B: Which one would be Michael Ian Black?

J: Villains united


J: Because it was good

B: And I pick OMAC Project for David Wain.

B: And I really see Day of Vengeance as Michael Showalter.

B: Not as good as the others.

B: Very forgettable.

B: But decent enough, in their own right.

S: I have no idea who you're talking about

S: Not a one.

J: I know nuzzink!

J: See, once upon a time, there was a great show called the State

B: I mean, people do not even recall that Showalter was DOUG!

B: That is how nameless he is!

J: Doug the cartoon, or Doug that said "I'm outta here"?

B: The latter.


S: This is it! This is the one I thought DMZ was!

S: I like to try every new issue that vertigo puts out... just to be there on the groundfloor of the new PREACHER or FABLES

B: I read the preview copy.

B: Exterminators rocks.

J: What's the premise?

B: The gist of the plot is as follows:

B: It's LA

B: And the bugs are pretty badass.

B: But they're under control.

B: Due to a special toxin.

B: So everything is just the same as it is today.

B: No one knows that it is just this toxin keeping them in line.

J: I don't recall the bugs in LA being that badass

B: Exactly.

J: The Crips are pretty hardcore though

B: Because it is being hidden from you.

B: Well, in this first issue, we find out that not only does the toxin no longer work - it is mutating them into super cockroaches.

S: Alas... Vertigo's gone downhill... I had high hopes for Human target too

B: So that is the premise.

B: Following these exterminators as they end up having to fight super cockroaches.

B: All with super duper art by Tony Moore.

S: Thank you, Mr Infinite-Crisis-#3, now i don't need to buy the comic to know what happens!


B: Yes, like "A virus kills all the men on Earth" really ruins Y for you.

B: Doofus!


J: I was waiting for the trade!


S: Me too!

B: Waiting for the trade is killing comics, or so I hear.

NOV050236 GOTHAM CENTRAL #39 $2.50

B: He best not become the Spectre.

J: I predict that this comic will be hardcore badass awesome

B: But it is pretty much a given now, I believe.

S: Wait... who is becomign Spectre?

J: I hear that Montoya is gonna be the Batwoman

S: Commish Gordon?

B: I think she is going to DATE the Batwoman.

B: Never mind, Stony. No ruining Gotham Central for you.

S: I bet the new Spectre is a WASP

J: Not this guy

S: Oh tell me! I don't read GC anyway

B: Crispus Allen, Stony.


S: YES!!!!

B: Montoya's partner.

J: Which is why DC decided that he had to get shot!

S: Finally!

B: He was killed last issue.

S: A black spook!!

S: oh wait...

J: So now they are gonna make a STRONG BLACK MAN all pale

S: Forget I said that last bit

J: When he becomes the Spectre

J: Because DC hates STRONG BLACK characters

B: And the new Spectre apparantly is going to be torn between the spirit of vengeance and this logical, factual person who is the new host.

B: Sounds like Crispus, no?

B: Hey, Stony, speaking of black characters.

B: Didn't you have some sort of rant?

B: Or something?

B: That you wanted to share with the people.

S: I thought you didn't want that?

B: Go right ahead.

B: Here's your platform.

S: I thought that's why you didn't like the last CCC?

B: No, that was because the last CCC was half-assed.

B: Especially my contributions.

S: Bloody hell... I can't remember what I said1

B: Come on, this is your platform!

B: Black heroes - GO!

J: I have no problem with Crispus being the Spectre

J: I think it's a cool idea

B: Meanwhile, I will say, Jake, that I don't dislike Allen as the Spectre EITHER. I'm just irritated that it is another Rucka character becoming a big character in the DCU.

S: Why does that bug you?

J: He's a Brubaker character too

B: True.

B: But mainly Rucka.

S: Ok, now I'm bugged


S: Bloody Brubaker getting his grimy fingers everywhere

B: Nepotistic continuity is silly.

B: So, come on, Stony, what did the good reverand say?

S: This reminds me... of a quote by the Reverend Al Sharpton

S: "Today! Give us an African American Spider-Man. Give us a black that can run faster than a speeding bullet and leap over a tall building in a single bound. Not tomorrow, today. Today! The sun needs to come out today!"
-The Reverend Al Sharpton

B: So how is this Sharpton quote relevant, Stony? Elaborate, please.

S: Now,. a lot of people are going to look at that quote and think, "well Al's just bucking the system, he's just trying to get the system to change and that's never going to woprk, making the system put out minority comics"

S: But not me. I have a different view on it.

B: What kind of different view?

S: I see it as a rallying cry, nay, a challenge! A challenge to creators from minority backgrounds to come out and put forth their own creations, ones that deliberatley reflect their own identities

B: But isn't a mantra of "let's see some more new ideas" pretty basic?

J: Didn't they already try that with Milestone?

B: Milestone was good stuff!

S: I mean, You had Stan lee... and arguably his greatest creation was a dorky kid growing up on the streets of new York... it was simple, it was heartfelt, and it was what. he. knew. These days you have, what, english/scottish/black writers? filopino artists? All working on this character of Spider-Man that is pretty much removed from their own backgrounds and experiences

B: I don't know if Spider-Man's creation was all that heartfelt.

S: Milestone was good stuff... and when that folded, what? Do we all just pack up and stop trying? Do we all just give up and go home/ Do we all just resign ourselves to writing/drawing white guys for the rest of comics history?

B: I think he, like creations like Batman, were just meant to make a buck.

J: I think Spider-Man was heartfelt

J: Because Stan was sure it would be a failure, but he did it anyway

B: Where did he say he was sure it would be a failure?

J: In every interview he gave about the creation of Spider-Man?

B: I mean, the comic ITSELF may have been heartfelt

B: But the creation was not.

J: You're probably right there

S: Well there's the whole other thing of marketing, of being able to get this stuff to the people we want it to reach... But i'm just saying,. i'd like to see some diversity, and yes, it's hard... They don't always sell, but hey1 Let's put that stuff out there, because without that stuff already out there, how are future creators going to be inspired by something they see that can bang! reflect themselves and their own experiences and backgrounds?

B: Fair enough.

B: But you mention diversity.

B: Shouldn't we expect that from EVERYone?

S: Yes, I knew you'd latch on that word

J: Does it count if a guy like Morrison creates a bunch of minority characters?

J: Or do black characters have to come from black creators?

B: I mean, EVERYone is in the same boat as black creators.

B: NOone is creating new superheroes.

B: So sure, I'd like to see them try new diverse heroes.

B: But I'd like to see new heroes PERIOD.

B: Heck, look at the Ultimate Universe.

B: We're five years in, and we have, what, ONE new character?

B: Two, sorry

B: The big guy who is friends with Flash.

J: I don't know if that was the intent of the Ultimate line

S: How about this... A scottish guy... does some scots stories... an Irish guy... does some stories with an irish guy, doing, i dunno, a lot of drinking... A black guy putting a white hero smack dab into whatever kind of past he had, just to see how he would react... An Indian writer using Hindu concepts in say, a veritgo comics...

S: I think you too have missed the point of the Ultimate line... the hell is wrong with you?

B: Did you see that bit in the recent Ultimate X-Men comic where they even kept the thing with Havok and Cyclops' powers?!?

J: It was a good set-up for the lead pipe gag

B: If ever you're gonna have a place to do new things.

B: It should be the Ultimate Universe.


B: Anyway it could be better than #1?

S: Last issue was a weird weird ass thing

J: It's possible

B: Wouldn't that be so awesome?

B: If this was even BETTER?

J: He goes to Mars to fight things

J: That's pretty awesome

B: That IS pretty awesome.

S: I liked it, but, it was just so weird

S: I think I liked it because it was Mahnke though

B: Bah.

B: Mahnke is good.

B: But it was good because of the MIXTURE!

B: Good writing AND good art.

J: Mahnke was really rushing there

S: he made the pretentious weirdness work

B: Yeah, I DID notice that, a bit.

B: The first thing, not the untrue pretentious comment.

S: You lie, I know you're argeeing with me

NOV050313TEAM ZERO #2 (OF 6)$2.99

S: I've missed Action Dixon

J: Ah, resurrecting Jim Lee ideas from the mid-90's

B: Dudes!

B: I read the issue.

B: And it actually IS ressurecting the ideas!

S: I dunno, the Team 7 series were always quite a lot of fun

J: Hey, it can sometimes be really good

J: Look at Casey's Wildcats

B: For instance, Marc Slayton is in it.

B: And his name is Backlash.

B: I don't get it.

J: Is it set in the past?

B: I mean, is this supposed to be "in continuity"?

B: It's set during World War II.

J: Oh

B: So is this saying that Marc Slayton was around since World War II?!?

S: Man, you guys are picky...

J: I like Slayton better when he has a mechanical leg

B: Because Dixon wrote the Team 7 series.

B: And that was in Vietnam.

B: So you'd THINK that he would know if this was in continuity, no?

J: Just leave Dixon alone to write his war comics

J: It's all he has left!!

S: "I'm Joy"
"Is that a name or a promise?"
It's just fun! Just stop thinking and enjoy it!..... much the opposite of what Morry's comics make you do actually...

S: Ok ok, I kid

B: But their names!

B: Why do that for no reason!?!?

J: Because the Wildstorm universe is all going to shit anyway

J: So who cares?

B: But it WAS a cool issue.

B: And next issue, Tommy Lee Edwards covers!!

B: Anyone read Tommy Lee Edwards What If..? Daredevil last week?

J: No

S: no... good?

B: No

B: But nice art.

J: Well that settles that

S: What was the concept?

B: Matt Murdock in Japan.

B: During the time that Europeans first visited.

B: A bit YAWN.

S: *snore*

B: Total snoozefest.

B: Might have been interesting, if it came out in 1970.

B: And it would at least be original.

S: Let's see if we can come up with a better one

B: Matt Murdock in a romance comic.

B: The cover can be "I know you're making eyes at another man, even though I'm blind!!!"

J: Would his girlfriend get impaled at the end?

B: Yes.

B: Sexily.

NOV051783 CITY OF HEROES #9 $2.99

J: This is a comic now??

B: Yeah.

B: And you can't understand it if you do not follow the game.

B: I know, I tried.

NOV051782 DOWN #3 (OF 4)$2.99

S: Y'know, Warry's really doing a lot more comics than I thought...

S: I thought he'd all but given up, but no, he's really churning them out

B: No, he isn't.

B: This comic was written 27 years ago.

B: Ellis was, like, six when he wrote this.

S: Oh, right...

J: Cool

J: This comic actually slipped by me

S: How's Tony's art on this?

B: It is good.

S: Are all the women as buxom as they are in Ex Machina?

B: Yes.

S: Tony Harris is the new Frank Cho!

J: He's not hyping it at his site

J: So this leads me to believe that he's not happy with it

B: I don't think it's a matter of happy and unhappy.

B: Just, how pumped can you be for a project from years ago?


J: What the hell is this?

B: Man.

B: What a lame idea.

B: How do you have a recap comic.

B: When, like, nothing happened.

B: It's obviously tied into the whole thing Lost does.

B: Where, right before a new batch of episodes begings.

B: They air a one hour recap.

B: For two reasons

B: 1. To recap and help new readers and refresh old ones.

B: 2. Figuring that its an extra hour of Lost to make some money

B: Same thing here.

S: Which reminds me, must buy the new trade

B: Saga recaps for the old readers and new ones

B: and it hopefully will make some money via an extra Astonishing issue.

J: The second Astonishing arc wasn't that good

S: Yeah I thought the first arc was ok, a good read but... nothing mind-blowing

B: And now we have a recap issue.

S: I suppose it really does just down to how much are you invested in the characters?

B: To tell us the three things that happened.

S: It's all soap opera

B: Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I dislike Astonishing.

S: Don't spoil!!

B: Just that the idea of a recap issue for a book like Astonishing.

B: Just silly.

J: I'm leaning in that direction

J: The only thing that's keeping me around is Cassaday

S: I've met him.

S: He was a bit moody

B: By the way, Jake.

B: Remember your take on the end of #12?

B: Which I totally agree with.

J: Yeah

B: Wizard did a bit on it.

B: And they were acting like it was what it was.

B: And not your take.

B: They didn't say for SURE.

J: Well they're all idiots

B: So I'm hoping they were just riffing.

B: But I just worry that Wizard is "plugged in."

J: Because to take the end of #12 as it appears would be insanely stupid

B: I really hope it isn't what it "appears" to be, and it is what you think it is.

S: It's quite fun watching you dance around what you don't want to spoil...

J: Oh, when you see it, you'll agree

J: You look at that last page and say "wow, this is dumb"

B: Hehe

J: I mean, talk about completely missing the point

NOV051959DOC SAMSON #1 (OF 5)$2.99

S: You know what they should do? Give Doc a younger brother that's more him than he is... and move him in an apartment with his old man, and a british caretaker

B: Have you been drinking again?

B: Everything in moderation.

B: Remember that.

J: Yeah, I can't be bothered with second rate Hulk supporting characters

S: What? Frasier lasted for years! copy that formula! Bottle it

J: Especially when the Hulk himself is meaning less and less to Marvel

B: Move on!

AUG051916 IRON MAN #5 $2.99

B: Can it be?!?!


J: Here's the thing

J: Nothing is gonna happen in this book

S: I'm not even going to make any jokes, it's just too easy

S: Let it go

J: The 6 issue arc structure dictates that this issue is all set-up for #6

B: This is true.

J: So it will be massively disappointing

B: But it is OUT!

S: ... And?

J: We might get to see the new armor

J: so that's something

S: Is this something new?

S: Is this some great revelation you've JUST stumbled on?

S: No wonder you like Brubaker...

NOV051967MARVEL ZOMBIES #2 (OF 5)$2.99

S: Surprisngly enough, given my apathy towards zombies... i'm giving this a go

J: It's entertaining

B: Oddly so.

B: In addition...they really should have made it an Ultimate book.

B: It would have sold a lot better.

S: I like that zombie Spidey still does his brain-dead quips...

B: And it IS a freaking spin-off from an Ultimate title!!

B: There's a great scene in this issue where they lie about eating, and someone
figures out they're lying by a trick.

J: Yeah, it's odd that they don't really refer to it being a spin-off

B: Very funny.

NOV052003 PUNISHER #29 (MR) $2.99

B: What's going on in this series?

B: Oh right, the entrails scene.

B: Good stuff.

J: Punisher is about to torture someone

B: Good stuff.

NOV051983 SABLE & FORTUNE #1 (OF 6) $2.99

B: ...

B: ....

B: Yeah.

B: Sable & Fortune.

J: Yep

B: Yeah.

NOV051977 SENTINEL #3 (OF 5) $2.99

B: You reading this at all?

J: Nope

B: Fair enough.

B: It's decent.

B: Slight, but decent.

J: I like the idea of a giant death machine being friends with a kid

B: You like Iron Giant?

J: I liked it

B: Same concept, no?

J: Basically

B: So why not give Sentinel a shot?

J: Because...

J: I dunno

S: You know what I'd really like to see Grell do? Daredevil. he just does urban warriors great, I think if he was given Daredevil, he'd be... well, he'd be better than Brubies anyway

S: I mean really, brubaker on Daredevil? Where's the challenege? whewre's the uniqueness? That's why bendis on Daredevil was good, he was different, we didn't know what he'd be like on Daredevil... But I think we pretty much know what Brubaker will be like on this


B: I don't like how these are starting to fit formulas

B: Like, if EVERYthing is offbeat, then it is no longer "offbeat"

B: It is just the beat.

NOV052001 X-MEN THE END MEN AND X-MEN #1 (OF 6) $2.99

B: Only thing more annoying than this story is waiting for a year for it to be over.

S: You guys both read a LOT of comics... Let me ask you something...

S: Do you think you might enjoy them more... if you could only read a few?

B: No.

J: Nah

J: I really like the comics I read

B: I like reading comics.

B: And I do not let reading so many affect my judgment.

S: Well how would you know if they did or didn't?

B: Because it doesn't do anything.

B: How does reading a lot of comics make a comic worse or better?

J: I'm not reading a bunch of crap because I feel obligated

J: All Star Superman would be 1 million times better if thats the only comic you read ever

S: See?

J: No, not really

S: Yeah I didn't thjink it was that great either

J: You need to read some shit to make the good stuff stand out

S: It was awesome... but not great as great could be

B: The only thing reading more books does

B: is A. Make the good stuff stand out more

B: and B. Teach you some typical plots.

J: Reading a lot of books makes you appreciate the good ones more

B: Right, MORE

B: appreciate them MORE

B: stand out MORE

B: Not "appreciate period" or "stand out period."

B: They do that on their own.

J: And if I only read ASS, then how would I know if it was good or not?

S: Are you going to do madonna's number from Dick Tracy now?

B: By enjoying it.

J: Obviously

B: If you read no other comics, you'd still like ASS.

B: Exactly.

B: So Stony is wrong, excellent.

S: Wait... how?

B: At the end of the day, that's what it is all about.

S: I never said reading more is a bad thing!

B: Oh, okay.

B: Good.

B: Then we're all right.

B: That's only slightly worse than Stony being wrong.

S: I just asked if reading fewer might be better!

J: No

J: The real lesson here is that Stony is wrong

J: Whatever the subject

J: Stony is wrong

S: Pfft

B: Anyone want to talk about an indy book?

B: Or do you think we should wrap up on the high note about Stony being wrong?

J: I thought Stony being wrong was a given

B: But it's a good ending, no?

S: No no, terrible ending

B: Fine.

B: Each of you.

B: Pick out ONE indy book.

S: Only one eh? hmmm


J: FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!

B: Never has a title been more accurate.

J: Fucking chromium?

J: In 2006?

B: Chromium is wicked sweet.

B: That was what was missing from The Other, I was told.

B: It did not have any Chromium covers.

S: I was tempted to go with Betty and veronica and hassle Brian about his crush on Betty but.....


S: What a title...

J: Veronica takes it in the backdoor

J: That is why she's awesome

B: It is good to know that Prince of Tennis has lasted ELEVEN volumes.

S: Is it actually about Tennis?

B: Yes

B: It is about a young tennis star.

B: Which is not a bad topic, really.

B: Didn't Marvel have a comic about the same thing?

B: That was never launched?

B: Something like Fifteen Love

B: Or something like that.

J: I remember that

S: I remember hearing about that

J: It had photo covers

B: But then Trouble BOMBED.

B: So it never happened.

J: And was supposed to be part of Epic

S: The underage ggirls?

B: Retailers REALLY loved how Marvel hyped the SHIT out of Trouble.

B: Then pulled all support right away.

J: I liked Trouble

J: So there

S: Well that says all we need to know about you...

B: So did I.

B: I'm just saying Marvel pulled support.

B: Just the opposite of how Peter's father pulled out of Aunt May.

S: What was it abaout again?

J: It was about Aunt May getting laid

B: Yeah, and getting pregnant with Peter Parker.

S: what, really??

B: Yep.

B: But they erased all references.

B: Just kept the first names.

B: So it wasn't REALLY that.

B: Which was soooo lame.

B: They totally pulled a "Diana"

J: Lemme say that I was OK with that idea

J: Of May being Peters mother

S: So what did that make Ben?

B: He married her anyways.

B: Yeah, I liked it, too.

B: It was one of Millar's most clever ideas.

S: So why did it bomb?

B: Because Marvel pulled support of it.

J: It was more that the entire line of comics bombed

B: Instead of ACTUALLY being about Aunt May etc.

B: It was just about May, Richard, Ben and Mary.

J: That was around the same time that Jemas was getting kicked out, right?

B: Was it?

B: Soon enough, I guess.

S: I miss Jemas

J: I miss him too

SEP052854 SOULSEARCHERS #75 $2.50

B: That's my pick.

B: Folks, if you like Peter David.

B: Just buy this book.

J: Guess I won't buy the book then

B: Fair enough.

S: Same

B: But if you DO like David, and I know there are some who do and DON'T buy this book, you really should buy this book.

S: I have given old PAD plenty of goes, but i've never been able to stay for the long haul

B: Fair enough.

S: Like who?

S: Name them

S: Name them and Jake and I'll shame them

J: Everyone who reads X-factor

B: Haha.

J: What? A non X-Comic? And It isn't by marvel? Well fuck it then!!!

B: Basically.

Okay, that's it for us, folks!

Feel free to stop by tomorrow, to see if we know what we're talking about, at all.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll get it in trade (gives opportunity for shock and horror and accusations of ruining the industry)

B: Speaking of Batman, did you see that Sam Kieth is now DC Exclusive, and doing a Batman mini?

That is cool, but why put him on Batman?

B: Did you see that bit in the recent Ultimate X-Men comic where they even kept the thing with Havok and Cyclops' powers?!?

But BKV at least changed the relationship between Cyclops and Havok by having Havok being the older brother and therefore not in his brother's shadow (aka regular Alex's permanent residence)

J: It was a good set-up for the lead pipe gag

And that.

NOV050313TEAM ZERO #2 (OF 6)$2.99

B: For instance, Marc Slayton is in it.

B: And his name is Backlash.

B: I don't get it.

B: It's set during World War II.

B: So is this saying that Marc Slayton was around since World War II?!?

You do know that Mark Slayton/ Backlash is immortal and has been around since the middle-ages, do you? You don't? Hand in that geek-card, Cronin.

AUG051916 IRON MAN #5 $2.99

Anybody reading The Inevitable, the other Iron Man series right now. (Amazingly Iron Man has 3 solo comics out.. if you count Ultimate, which actually has just finished.. so I'm just rambling.. moving on)

NOV051983 SABLE & FORTUNE #1 (OF 6) $2.99

B: ...

B: ....

B: Yeah.

B: Sable & Fortune.

J: Yep

B: Yeah.

C'mon say something about it. That's why we are paying you.
I'll say this: they are using the wrong Sable. They should throw a crap load of cash for an intercompany crossover and make this a John Sable/Dominic Fortune crossover. I would pay for that.

S: I miss Jemas

J: I miss him too

I don't know: Marville vs. comics with balls... OK, I miss him to, they were trying at least something new when Jemas was around.

1/05/2006 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, speaking of Sentinel, was the character in Grant Morrison's last X-Men arc with the pet sentinel (Roger?) supposed to be a grown-up version of the character in that book? If so, that would be cool.

Also, Tony Harris only did the art on the first issue of Down. Cully Hamner is doing the art on #2-4.

1/05/2006 03:54:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

"You do know that Mark Slayton/ Backlash is immortal and has been around since the middle-ages, do you? You don't? Hand in that geek-card, Cronin."


I did not know that, and I read every single issue of Backlash (including that weird ass team book that spun off from Backlash).

So I WAS right!

Dixon DID know the continuity!!

1/05/2006 09:15:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

"This concept sounds like a riff on the film Mimic, aside from the super duper art by Tony Moore. Of course."

I guess, but I think what I did not get across in my discussion of the premise is that it is also a very character-heavy book.

For instance, the toxin I mentioned? One of the exterminators was shooting it up!!!

Some really twisted people, but in a good way...hehe.

1/05/2006 09:16:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

"Hey, speaking of Sentinel, was the character in Grant Morrison's last X-Men arc with the pet sentinel (Roger?) supposed to be a grown-up version of the character in that book? If so, that would be cool."

I don't think so, but that WOULD be cool!

"Also, Tony Harris only did the art on the first issue of Down. Cully Hamner is doing the art on #2-4."

You are correct. I forgot to mention that.

Down #3 was pretty good, by the way, folks!

1/05/2006 09:17:00 PM  
Blogger T. said...

"These days you have, what, english/scottish/black writers? filopino artists? All working on this character of Spider-Man that is pretty much removed from their own backgrounds and experiences"

I take issue with this. I am black, and I don't think Spider-Man is removed from my own background and experiences.

I grew up in NY. I've had money problems. I've had ego-shattering lows and dizzying successes. I've been down on myself and felt like I couldn't do anything right. I've felt the need to provide for family.

It's silly to say that someone is removed from a character just because he isn't the same color. That'd be like saying I identify with 50 Cent's life story just because he's black.

1/05/2006 11:35:00 PM  
Blogger MarkAndrew said...


(A) White as the driven slush, and

(B) The biggest damn Falcon fan on the planet,

I had some problems with that, too.

Dizzy sez

"I'll get it in trade (gives opportunity for shock and horror and accusations of ruining the industry)"

HA! Stupid Comics Industry! I'm not only buying the trade, but then I'm wiping myself with my copy of previews and then sending you nasty letters like "Dear Comics Industry, I made 1,000,000 times more money than you did this year. Signed, the Movie Industry.

Or maybe I'm just helping the industry over it's difficult switch to the Long Format Comics (Or (blech) Graphic Novel Industry.

Anyway, I never really dug Mage or Grendel, but most of Wagener's mainstream work has been right up my alley.

AND it's in line with my personal pledge not t'buy anything connected to "One Year Later."

1/06/2006 12:52:00 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

For anyone who cares, DC Direct did put out a bland, non-artist-style Batman toy with a Justice League five-pack. Bad photo here:

The Alex Ross Batman is mind-numbingly perfect.

1/06/2006 05:56:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Christ on a crutch, you guys sure can yammer.

1/06/2006 07:03:00 AM  
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