Monday, October 24, 2005

I will allow you to rip off my left arm if you give me this book

I was reminded of this book the other day: Elseworlds 80-Page Giant. Seriously, I will allow you to rip off my left arm if you give this book to me - what the hell do I need my left arm for? Has anyone read it? Is it as monstrously wonderfully glorious as the rumors tell? It's like some sort of mystical talisman that if only we could all secure it and read it, all the world's troubles will be solved.

That is all.


  1. And if you give *me* a copy, I'll let you rip off Greg's right arm. What the hell do I need his right arm for?


  2. The one these are from?

    The latter is also in the "Bizarro" book with the Matt groening cover.

  3. Yo, that Superbaby one is funny.
    Did those people from the Incredibles had to pay royalties? And why was that story offensive?

  4. I would never condone illegal activities, but a scan of this book happens to currently be sitting at:

    I have _no_ idea how it got there.

  5. I think are bases are covered, legally...hehe.

  6. I used to have it but have not seen it in a long time. That was a good book.

  7. I think it was the "Superbaby in a microwave" scene that really upset the censors.

    But yeah, fun story. Bizarro Comics was pretty damn good.
