Monday, August 15, 2005

Judging (DC's November) Books By Their Covers

DC's November Solicitations are up, so now is as good a time as any for us to make prejudgements based just on the covers (as we all love to make prejudgements, don't we? And DC's covers are at least detailed enough that we CAN make prejudgements based on them!).

Let's begin!

Please, tell me....

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Is Jock just incapable of drawing a BAD cover?

I am not saying that there is not a place for him out there (I think his Thor and Conan are quite cool looking)...

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...but drawing Batman covers is not Claudio Castellini's place in the world.

Chris Weston is another one, like Jock...

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He is too dependable. I want to see a Weston cover with a girl with a really tiny waist and gigantic boobs.

I am not a big fan of this cover...

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...but I believe that McDaniel achieved what he set out to do with the cover, so I will give him credit for that.

This is what they mean when they say "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...

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Phil Hestor was given a dorky conceit to work with, but he made a strong cover design based on the idea.

I enjoy this concept, and Sean Phillips handles it well...

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...we probably DON'T see often enough how normal people react to things like Captain Marvel and, like, the Spectre, battling in the sky. And this is certainly the book where that viewpoint can be found easiest.


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This is the strongest Adam Hughes cover I have seen in a long while!

It is like Pat Lee is almost there...

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There are a lot of good qualities about this drawing, but it is like he just did not go the extra mile to make the entire drawing work.


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My least favorite cover from this series so FAR.

I am not a big Ed Benes fan...

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...but I will allow that this cover at least is quite striking. I do not like his depictions of either Supergirl or Superman, but the setup is intriguing.

I have a similar opinion of Ian Churchill's setup for the cover of Supergirl..

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Striking IDEA, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

I am unfamiliar with this artist, Prado..

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Interesting cover, though.


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A dark, gloomy look at Mr. Mxyzptlk!



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Why exactly couldn't John Byrne draw this cover?

I have said it before, but I think it bears repeating...

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Sandra Hope is a really good inker.

This cover is not all that great, but whatever snazz it DOES have to it, I believe, is due to Hope's inks.

I am a bit disappointed in Gleason here...

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This cover, while drawn nicely enough, really does not draw in the reader at all. Disappointing performance by Gleason, whose covers were the best things going for Aquaman of late.

Talk about a classy send off to the series.

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Nicely done, Martin.

I can't believe it took us to issue NINE before we had demon orgies!!

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Sheesh!! Talk about decompression!

Cool final cover for Doom Patrol...

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Although I think I would have preferred a more Breach-esque (this is the last issue) type of cover.


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How weird of a coincidence is THAT?

The first Adam Kubert piece for DC under his new deal! And its a HAWKMAN cover?!

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Pretty striking piece.

I do not recall ever seeing Yanick Paquette draw this stylized.

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Daniel Acuña Covers!

First, a trippy one from Outsiders...

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and next, a cool one from JLA, marred by the presence of those stupid OMAC things...

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Man, do I hate those OMAC things.

Well, things are at least happening on this cover...

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A bit too stiff, though, for my tastes.

Gross, but hilarious!

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A very strong cover here...

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...and the release of THIS collection at least makes sense, with the new Jonah Hex series coming out the same month.

Matt Wagner is really good.

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I told you so.

JG Jones is smart.

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Given the assignment of drawing the Amazons fighting those stupid OMAC things, he was wise enough to draw the stupid OMAC things off panel.


Looking at these JSA covers by Alex Ross each month, I had a thought..

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I was imagining these covers being, like, photo shoots. And Ross, as the photographer, trying to convince the JSA members to pose.

It gave me a laugh.

Wow, secondhand smoke IS really dangerous!

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Jesus Saiz is a good artist.

Wow. What a dorky cover.

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Down month for James Jean, who I love.

Nice cover for Green Arrow...

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but I was unimpressed by his Fables cover...

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Ah well, better luck next month!

You have to just laugh Part One

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You have to just laugh Part Two

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I will not say this cover is striking work by JH Williams.

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I would never be that punny.

Or would I?

I see through your tricks, Bradstreet!

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Make the cover SOOO dark that we can't notice you didn't really draw anything!

DMZ looks cool.

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This cover is a big part of that.

Here's an interesting cover for Winter Men...

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You folks should buy Winter Men. It, and John Paul Leon, is good.

Poor JG Jones...

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What a weird cover to have to draw.

Looks good, though.

TOP FIVE COVERS OF THE MONTH (wow, the top five list mania stretches to even encompass Comics Should Be Good!)

Morrison is Morrison, and Doug Mahnke has been on a hot streak, so it is no surprise that this cover is so cool...

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So long as this book has Carlos Pachecho drawing it, there is always hope...

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What a cool cover!

The only reason this cover is not higher is because I do not think that it is dramatic enough for a #1 issue.

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However, it is still a super cool image!

THIS #1 cover, though, IS quite dramatic!

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I can see a number of copies selling just based on this cover!

My favorite cover of the month, though, has to be this one by The Goon's Eric Powell...

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Pretty darn nice, no?

Okay, that's it for me, folks!

Feel free to share YOUR prejudices!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Action Comics #833 is an example of a Dinosaur Dentist cover:

8/15/2005 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger Bill Reed said...

The crossover in Gotham Central has convinced me to drop the title out of spite for Greg Rucka. Ahh well.'re kidding about that Fables cover though, right?

I like the All Star Superman cover; too many comics these days have the usual "hero flying at you with fists a'flyin'!" This one settles for something cool and serene.

8/15/2005 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping that Nightwing/Flash snarling cover was for Nightwing, and there'd be a better cover for Flash further down the page.

No such luck.

8/16/2005 01:32:00 AM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

If spite for Greg Rucka ruled how I read books...well...I wouldn't read many books.

As for the Fables cover, it's a drawing of a genie.

It's a fine drawing of a genie, but that's it.

This from the same artist who usually makes such dynamic, interesting ideas for covers.

Here - it's just a genie.

8/16/2005 01:32:00 AM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

Someone REALLY needs to crop the Kyle and Wally drawings from those two covers and place them next to each other.

It will be like they are having an actual screaming match.

8/16/2005 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In that cover with Superman/Supergirl...

Is he looking up her skirt?

When that one comes out, it's getting blogged.

8/16/2005 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Jock just incapable of drawing a BAD cover?

Perhaps, it sure seems like it. Nice cover. Put Sleeper on top of it and you would have me fooled.

This is what they mean when they say "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...

Phil Hestor was given a dorky conceit to work with, but he made a strong cover design based on the idea.

It is a strong design. Now if all those pin-up artists would take a look at this, learn from it and do a decent cover for their series next time, the world would be a better place.

I enjoy this concept, and Sean Phillips handles it well...

...we probably DON'T see often enough how normal people react to things like Captain Marvel and, like, the Spectre, battling in the sky. And this is certainly the book where that viewpoint can be found easiest.

Looking at the cover, I have no idea which comic series this is.

This is the strongest Adam Hughes cover I have seen in a long while!

Agreed,he has gone from pin-up to action scene. Now he needs to take that next step to cover that shows something about the story inside and I'm happy.

My least favorite cover from this series so FAR.

My least favourite cover of the bunch by far. And that is saying something with those Wildcat and Danger Girl covers.

I am not a big Ed Benes fan...

...but I will allow that this cover at least is quite striking. I do not like his depictions of either Supergirl or Superman, but the setup is intriguing.

I have a similar opinion of Ian Churchill's setup for the cover of Supergirl..

Striking IDEA, but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

You are kinder than I am regarding these two covers.

I am unfamiliar with this artist, Prado..

Interesting cover, though.

Nope, don't like it. It reminds me of Fleer cards.. and that's not good.


A dark, gloomy look at Mr. Mxyzptlk!


Sarcasm detector... overloading.

I am a bit disappointed in Gleason here...

This cover, while drawn nicely enough, really does not draw in the reader at all. Disappointing performance by Gleason, whose covers were the best things going for Aquaman of late.

I disagree, I like this cover.

Talk about a classy send off to the series.

Nicely done, Martin.

And I'm man enough to admit my hypocrisy here: I really like this cover even though it is just a pin-up that says nothing about the story inside. Martin must be laughing all the way to the bank. I guess a colorist also likes an early evening. And still it is a beautiful picture.

Cool final cover for Doom Patrol...

Although I think I would have preferred a more Breach-esque (this is the last issue) type of cover.

Is this going to be B/W or just not coloured yet

I do not recall ever seeing Yanick Paquette draw this stylized.

I am not familiar with artist, character on cover and hence this series, so I can't say.

Daniel Acuña Covers!

First, a trippy one from Outsiders...

I love this cover. Then again I'm weak when it comes to Katana.

and next, a cool one from JLA, marred by the presence of those stupid OMAC things...
Don't like this one though.

Gross, but hilarious!

Agreed, though I would go for just funny instead of hilarious.

Matt Wagner is really good.


I told you so.

I know Wagner is good, but I'm unimpressed by this cover.

JG Jones is smart.

Given the assignment of drawing the Amazons fighting those stupid OMAC things, he was wise enough to draw the stupid OMAC things off panel.


I predict people asking MacQuarrie to analyse that archer.

Looking at these JSA covers by Alex Ross each month, I had a thought..

I was imagining these covers being, like, photo shoots. And Ross, as the photographer, trying to convince the JSA members to pose.
It gave me a laugh.

Well, looking from Hourman's pose and look on his face, I guess Ross just asked him to take his top off.

Wow, secondhand smoke IS really dangerous!

Jesus Saiz is a good artist.

Agreed. Like this cover lots.

Wow. What a dorky cover.

Hmm.. what is Exodus doing in the DC universe?

Down month for James Jean, who I love.
but I was unimpressed by his Fables cover...

Ah well, better luck next month!

I like the genie. It is just a genie, but sometimes that is enough.

You have to just laugh Part One

As a Wildcats 3.0 fan, this cover hurts! It is like red-hot needles to my brainstem.

I see through your tricks, Bradstreet!

Make the cover SOOO dark that we can't notice you didn't really draw anything!

Random Constantine cover with John smoking in a dark alley.
Random Bradstreet cover with man obscured in darkness and nothing else.

DMZ looks cool.


Here's an interesting cover for Winter Men...

You folks should buy Winter Men. It, and John Paul Leon, is good.

It sure looks interesting.

Poor JG Jones...

What a weird cover to have to draw.

What's so weird about it? I still don't like Captain Atom in the Wildstorm Universe, then again I do like that they are at least using Captain Atom again.

Morrison is Morrison, and Doug Mahnke has been on a hot streak, so it is no surprise that this cover is so cool...

Agreed, I would put this one higher in the top 5

So long as this book has Carlos Pachecho drawing it, there is always hope...

Strongly disagree, not a bad cover, but boring and very very standard IMHO. There are various covers that I like far far better.

The only reason this cover is not higher is because I do not think that it is dramatic enough for a #1 issue.

Good cover and an unusual pose for Superman making it interesting.

THIS #1 cover, though, IS quite dramatic!

I can see a number of copies selling just based on this cover!

Familiar look. Who is the artist?

My favorite cover of the month, though, has to be this one by The Goon's Eric Powell...

Great cover, but not the best of the month IMHO.

8/16/2005 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, that Danger Girl cover is great! Fun idea, good composition, expert linework, everything's right.

Bashing cheesecake just because it's cheesecake is SOOO last year.

8/16/2005 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like this feature, and looking at the covers out of context, without knowing exactly what titles they go with is an interesting exercise. Makes you really focus on the cover itself.

My favorites are the first Jonah Hex cover and the striking picture of the red/white masked hero, which title I don't actually recognize for some reason.

8/16/2005 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks those Flash and GLC covers (with the snarling) aren't the full covers, but rather something cropped? The balance is all wrong, especially on the Flash cover, so I have to think they're snarling at something DC doesn't want to give away yet, perhaps Crisis-related. The GLC one is more balanced, but it still seems like it's not all there.

8/16/2005 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree about Matt Wagner's Batman covers. Not only are they stiff, he seems unable to ever place Batman's head square in the center of his shoulders. It's always sitting on the left or right shoulder, too far to one side.

8/16/2005 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I was thinking there also might be some sort of "oddball logo" business going on for the Flash cover. (Like a "Widescreen" logo going across the side of the page, instead of the top?)

8/16/2005 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with your picks for the 5 best covers of the month. The genie was great.

8/16/2005 05:21:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

"Bashing cheesecake just because it's cheesecake is SOOO last year."

Agreed, HMM, that's why I say "Just have to laugh," not "Just have to bash."

My "laugh" there is more of a good-natured one than you took it as.

8/16/2005 05:37:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I think the Flash cover is definitely not the full iamge. You can see that little half-cross at the bottom.

The GLC one could conceivably be the real cover.

8/16/2005 07:01:00 PM  
Blogger Loren said...


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A dark, gloomy look at Mr. Mxyzptlk!

Am I the only one who doesn't see a cover for AoS? In fact, when I look at the solicits at CBR or Newsarama, neither shows a cover for that issue. And this isn't new, but seems to happen every month with this title.

So what's up? And how is Brian getting to see the cover?

8/16/2005 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kubert.. his dad was THE Hawkman artist, duh!
Is Powell going to be guesting on Swamp Thing?!?!? ohhh please let this happen. yes!

8/16/2005 07:39:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

You are, of course, correct.

I am a dummy.

I forgot about the Kubert Hawkman legacy.

Stupid me.

8/16/2005 07:49:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

The Adventures of Superman cover was at Comics Continuum, Loren.

8/16/2005 07:51:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I think it'd be hilarious if Mxy was so dark and gloomy because watching Superman for the past year has bummed him out.

8/16/2005 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe somebody read "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" and decided: Hey...why don't we make Mxy scary in the regular book?

8/17/2005 02:46:00 AM  

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