Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"My God, my God, why have [comic book writers] forsaken [you]?"

Why aren't there any Christians in "mainstream" comics?

Hell, for that reason, why aren't there any Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintos ... you get the idea.

I'm not talking about Reverend Stryker. I'm talking about honest-to-goodness spiritual people in everyday life. I'm just wondering.

I've been thinking about spirituality in comics, and I wonder why we don't see more of it. It's not like these people in comics aren't used to the supernatural. I ranted a while back about why comic book writers hate democracy, and I have to wonder: do they hate religion too?

There are two ways you can go to have Christianity (I'm going to use Christianity, but insert any religion you like in whenever I use it) in your superhero book. (I'm sorry to use superheroes, but as usual, they are the dominant trope in comics, and what I say here could easily apply to any non-superhero book as well). One, you can have the book be an examination of Christianity (or an religion, really); two, you can characters in the book actually espouse some Christian ideas and live by them. I want to talk briefly about the first before moving on to the second.

As usual, I'm totally going off the top of my head here, so I count on you, the thoughtful readers, to point out any I've missed, but I can think of only a few mainstream comic books that deal openly with religion, good or bad. Let's see: Grendel was one, although I'm not sure that Grendel is all that mainstream. DeMatteis's Dr. Fate. Ostrander's Spectre. Preacher. Jurgens' Thor, interestingly enough. I can't think of any more. Two of these (Grendel and Preacher) were openly contemptuous of Christianity, but at least Wagner addressed the problems of what happens when religion gets too involved in politics and Ennis looked at what happens when we lose our faith. Yes, they held Christianity in contempt, but these books also treated Christianity as something to be examined and studied and questioned. Not bad. Dr. Fate and The Spectre were much kinder to religion. Dr. Fate didn't really deal with Christianity, but DeMatteis, who really likes these kinds of things, looked at reincarnation, the power of love, what it really means to be spiritual, and how we can achieve greatness through spirituality. Dr. Fate remains, I would say, the most absolutely spiritual mainstream comic ever. Ostrander, who once was in the seminary, gives us a brutally honest examination of Christianity and its problems, but also gives us Father Richard Craemer (okay, he was in Suicide Squad, but he really shines in The Spectre), who becomes Jim Corrigan's spiritual advisor and eventually allows him to see why he's been the Spectre all these years: it's not his job, and it's not his punishment, and it's not because God hasn't forgiven him - it's because he hasn't asked for forgiveness and allowed himself to be forgiven. The Spectre, despite its occasional harsh criticisms of Christianity, ultimately, like Dr. Fate, shows the power of spirituality. Ostrander goes further than most by including Jews and Muslims in his book, all portrayed like human beings instead of stereotypes. Have I mentioned before what a good writer Ostrander is? Finally, Dan Jurgens explored what would happen if an actual god (Thor) took over the world. This was more of a popcorn superhero book, and it suffered from inconsistent art, but it was a relatively complex look at what would happen if one of the gods of the Marvel Universe (and let's face it, there are a lot of them running around) decided to assert his divinity. Thor is shown to be a lesser god than, say, THE GOD (who never gets any ink in the Marvel Universe, much less face time), but that doesn't mean it's not a fascinating story about what true religion is and how people worship in both good times and bad. More complex than a lot of standard superhero books, I can tell you that much.

It's not that I want more books like that, specifically. I wouldn't mind it, because religion and what compels people to worship is very interesting to me, but I understand that none of those books (with the possible exception of Preacher, the least overtly religious of them) sold particularly well. However, I do wonder why more characters in mainstream comics don't seem to be religious. Again, I wonder if it's a function of who is writing them. I mean, does Peter Parker go to church? Aunt May probably does. What are sermons like in a Marvel Universe where gods walk around in New York? The only time we ever see a reverend in comic books is at a funeral. If we do see a Christian, he (or she) is usually portrayed negatively. I'm not saying there are a lot of lousy "Christians" out there in the world, but there are probably a lot more "good" ones. (Define "good" any way you want.) We have seen Reverend Conover and his wife (yes, I'm dropping some X-knowledge on you), but they appear VERY rarely (and the last time they did, as far as I know, Ostrander wrote them), and Millar, surprisingly enough, gave us a sympathetic portrait of a priest in Swamp Thing, and I'm sure there are a handful of others, but usually in comics, Christianity = evil. I'm not even that interested in a portrayal of Christianity. Wouldn't it be neat to see a service at the Church of Thor? There has to be a Church of Superman out there, doesn't there, where the worshippers aren't all crazy. Religion is a very important part of people's lives, and it would be kind of interesting to see it in the world of mainstream superhero comics.

Again, I'm not asking for it to be pervasive. But I think it would be neat to see, for instance, Barry Allen objecting to the brainwashing of every bad guy the Justice League has ever encountered (yes, I'm still bitter about Identity Crisis) because it goes against his Christian beliefs. Or Stephen Strange wrestling with his position of Sorcerer Supreme because it conflicts with his Christian upbringing (I have never read Dr. Strange, so maybe they've done that already). I always thought making Nightcrawler a priest was fascinating, but they retconned that right out of there, because it would require too much thought to keep up that story. I just think it's something that isn't addressed in comics, and the potential for great stories is there. Comic book writers miss the boat on a lot of great ideas, and I wonder why. Is it that the writers aren't interested in it (that's probably part of it, but come on - Claremont can't seriously still be interested in Mojo, can he?), or that the editors are afraid of controversy (last time I checked, controversy helped get publicity, which helps sell books), or that they have done polls and the fanboys don't want it? I don't know. I just find it unusual. That's all.

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Blogger Hate Filled Poster said...

I would imagine a lot of the reason why it's not touched on more is editorial and licensings interference as they want their characters to appeal to as broad a demographic as possible. Narrowing a character down to one religion would narrow your demographic that the character can appeal to on a personal level.

Having said all that, there are characters that have expressed certain faiths in comics. I know Kitty Pride, Ben Grimm (The Thing), Magneto, Atom Smasher, and Sabra are all Jewish. I can't name that many from other religions that stand out, but maybe someone else can.

6/28/2005 01:35:00 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I didn't mention Battle Pope because I've never read it. I thought of it, though!

Kitty Pryde is a very good example of a character having religion integrated into her life. They don't do it as much as they used to, but it used to come up occasionally. I didn't know Ben Grimm was Jewish. Interesting. Do they ever mention it?

6/28/2005 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the biggest Nightcrawler fan ever, and while I can see what Claremont was trying to do by giving him religion, it made no damn sense at all; because the church would treat him like crap. End of story. (Of course, I'm a godless heathen, but that's neither here nor there.)
Chuck T.

6/28/2005 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wise Son from the Blood Syndicate (Milestone) was a pretty decent non-stereotype of a Muslim.

6/28/2005 05:01:00 PM  
Blogger Brian Cronin said...

Yeah, Wise Son was a good character PERIOD.

6/28/2005 05:21:00 PM  
Blogger Hate Filled Poster said...

The Thing is Jewish

It says it was announced in the story "Remembrance of Things Past"

Oh, and Matt Murdock, Daredevil, is Catholic.

6/28/2005 05:32:00 PM  
Blogger Hate Filled Poster said...

They discuss the article and compile a list here.



Bernie Rosenthal, is the non-powered sometime-girlfriend of Captain America.

Colossal Boy, Gim Allon, is a member of the Legion of Super Heroes.

Greenberg the Vampire. He's Jewish. And he's a vampire. Go figure.

Ramban, leader of the Hayoth, an Israeli super-team, is a rabbi and a Jewish mystic.

Rory Regan, the Ragman, has powers derived from Jewish mysticism.

Ruben Flagg, main character in the science fiction title American Flagg, is an actor-turned-lawman. He lost his job as an actor to a computer-generated version of his action-hero character.

Sabra, Ruth Bat-Seraph, another Israel-based superhero, has a star of David on her headband.

Shadowcat, Kitty Pryde, is a member of the X-Men.

The Thing, Benjamin Jacob Grimm, is a member of the Fantastic Four.

The Two-Gun Kid, Matthew Liebowicz, is a Harvard lawyer-turned masked lawman on the Old West.


Crossbreed is an evangelical Christian team of superheroes who live in Astro City.

Daredevil, Matthew Murdock, is a blind superhero and is Catholic.

Firebird, Juanita Juarez, is an Avenger and a conservative Christian.

Nightcrawler, Kurt Wagner, is a member of the X-Men and is planning to become a Catholic priest.

Nightwing, Dick Grayson (the original Robin), has dc Talk CDs and a New International Version Bible in his apartment.

The Punisher, Frank Castle, is a former Catholic seminary student

Wolfsbane, Rahne Sinclair, a New Mutant, is Scottish Presbyterian.

6/28/2005 05:36:00 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I forgot to mention Murdock, but I did think of him. His Catholicism, it seems, is like an albatross around his neck. It's kind of an easy way to make him feel guilty all the time.

Thanks for that, Shane - lots of interesting stuff there that I had forgotten. Wolfsbane, for instance - another character whose Christianity is part of her, and comes up occasionally. It's nice to see.

6/28/2005 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think that in any world populated by superheroes that religion would, eventually, begin to disappear. When you have incredibly powerful men and women performing modern day miracles, why bother believing in a higher power: the higher power is Superman and his ilk.

It would be interesting to see some of the religions popping up around such heroes (I think some Superman issues touched upon this in the past, but not in any deep way). I bet in the DC/Marvel universes, there would be a "Jesus Christ, Superhero" church, not to mention ones dedicated to the Greek and Norse gods (after all, with Thor, Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman running around, it's not a great leap to determine that those Gods exist). In fact, Christianity might fall by the wayside, since I can't think of any hero who gets his power from the Christian God.

But, as we see constantly, companies aren't willing to alienate their audience to tell such stories.

6/28/2005 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nightcrawler as priest was dumb because his devout Catholicism was ONE aspect of his character, and not the most prominent or important. He is too much of a swashbuckler and "lady's man" (that's how he has been written prior the late '90s) to be a priest.

I like the conversations he has had with Wolverine, an atheist. Their views, opinions, and reactions were presented as equally valid.

6/29/2005 11:19:00 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Chad - I haven't gotten a chance to respond to the Nightcrawler stuff, but I love your comment. I agree, Nightcrawler becoming a priest didn't jive with his swashbuckling part, but you could see that Claremont, at least, was willing to explore that. Then, as you said, people went nuts and they had that Church storyline that blew. Disappointing - it could have been a great story.

Thanks to everyone for pointing these things out. Some I knew about and forgot, others I didn't. It seems there is a space for honest religious writing in mainstream comics, and I think they would be better off if we got a little more of it. I don't want to be inundated with it, but it would be interesting to see.

6/29/2005 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although this example is not from mainstream comics, Terry Moore introduced Strangers in Paradise readers to the fact that his character "David Qin" was a Christian several years ago. David's faith-based "coming out" experience (to Katchoo) reflected the comic's ongoing exploration of love, relationships and community.

Speaking as a progressive, proudly-liberal Christian, I am the first to admit that the "Christian" label carries with it well-deserved derogatory baggage. With David Qin, Terry Moore consistently provides a great example of a Christian character in the context of integrity, diversity, compassion and acceptance. (And occasional sex and violence, I'll be honest.)

Now, if only David had a super-power...

6/29/2005 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that you should mention Barry Allen and the brainwashing being against his Christian beliefs, because Barry was jewish according to several sites I have read.

6/29/2005 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chad: Oh. Claremont's story would have been much better, had he (or another writer that was NOT Austen) followed through as it was laid out. Where did you find information concerning Claremont's planned direction?

Re: Wolfsbane- her faith became a personality crutch (a la Storm's remote "goddesshood,"Colossus' " soul of a poet," Cyclops'mopiness, Cannonball's awkwardness) used to define her. She didn't like Nightcrawler because he looked like a devil. She dressed conservatively and acted shy because exhibition was "nae proper." I don't know what happend in between the Magneto years of New Mutants and the time she joined X-Factor, but Peter David was the first writer I've read who made the character interesting, and did not define her strictly by her faith.

6/30/2005 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The (often justly) maligned John Byrne published a novel about Wonder Woman a few years ago that set out to address how Christians responded to her pagan milieu, and she to them. Contrary to the image some have of JB as an ally of all that's right-wing in American culture, he treated the Fundamentalist Christians very harshly. IIRC, WW ultimately conceded that the God of the monotheists antedated and had created Zeus et al.
--Mr Ripley

7/01/2005 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprised nobody's mentioned Peter David's Supergirl. The whole book was about Christianity.

7/02/2005 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obsidian, late of Infinity Inc., was Roman Catholic, a fact which figured into one or two II storylines.

7/06/2005 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re : Jews in Comic Books

Feel free to check out my website (Jews in Comics) - http://www.geocities.com/safran-can/JWISHC.HTM to see a list of comi (& graphic novel) stories with Jewish characters.

7/19/2005 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed christians (not all, I won't generalize) tend to hate on things that involve evolution and/or magic. (It was just recently released that the Vatican believes Harry Potter will draw children to the darkside, feel free to check that beauty out) It has been stated by many villains in comics (ie. Magneto) that the mutants are the next stage of evolution for human beings. They also manage to produce many magical effects from their bodies, such as eyebeams, plasma rays from their fingers, etc. I would imagine that if these people can't handle a relatively tame magical read such as Harry Potter, then they certainly wouldn't be down with a more violent magical show. Having a devout catholic shooting magic would probably anger many religious folk, much like if JK Rowling made Harry a Roman Catholic. Seemingly, in their eyes, a Catholic can't be magical. Comics and their creators already undergo enough scrutiny from politicians, teachers, and parents for being bad influences on young readers. I'm sure they don't need anymore hate on them from Catholics or any other eccentric christians. The artists are trying to leave their work as religiously neutral as possible (as stated on the first comment, to appeal to a wide-range of readers, and i believe also to avoid offending anyone), and the only way to do that is to leave it out of the book.

3/15/2006 06:56:00 PM  
Blogger Johnny Bacardi said...

There was a character in the first Top 10 series who was devoutly Christian, and Alan Moore portrayed her in a surprisingly sympathetic light. I can't recall her name, I just remember she had a bird-like uniform.

5/06/2006 09:42:00 AM  
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Blogger go-go boots said...

I'm less interested in Christian characters and the treatment of religion in comics than I am in Christian writers who tell mainstream superhero stories from their worldview perspective. Who are the Christian writers?

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